Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery :Genre
Tower of God centers around a boy called Twenty-Fifth Bam, who has spent most of his life trapped beneath a vast and mysterious Tower, with only his close friend, Rachel, to keep him company. When Rachel enters the Tower, Bam manages to open the door into it as well, and faces challenges at each floor of this tower as he tries to find his closest companion.(Source: Wikipedia)
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Comedy, Drama, Romance, Shoujo, Slice of Life, Supernatural: Genre
It’s been almost a year since Tooru started living at Shigure’s house! Though she now has a deeper relationship with each of the Soumas, not just Yuki and Kyou, she is concerned about their sinister curse’s true nature. The right path to choose, predetermined destiny… what emotions will arise in Yuki, Kyou and Tooru in the face of the Eternal Banquet? What will be their resolve?(Source: Funimation)
It’s been almost a year since Tooru started living at Shigure’s house! Though she now has a deeper relationship with each of the Soumas, not just Yuki and Kyou, she is concerned about their sinister curse’s true nature. The right path to choose, predetermined destiny… what emotions will arise in Yuki, Kyou and Tooru in the face of the Eternal Banquet? What will be their resolve?(Source: Funimation)
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